The Battle of the Bands is Back! Sign Up Now!

Jaiden Aquino, Assistant Editor

CCCHS’ famous Battle of the Bands returns for this homecoming day! On September 28 from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M., Mrs. Petersen shall host the eighteenth annual Battle of the Bands, an intense competition and impressive exhibition of musical talent. To enter the competition, a sign-up form will be available outside of Mrs. Carney’s and Ms. Petersen’s offices. All completed forms should be directed to Mrs. Carney by September 24, along with an entry fee of $5.

Any musical acts, including bands, small groups, and solo or duo acts, are eligible to participate in the competition. Three winners shall be selected to be awarded $50, $25, and $10 respectively. Prize amounts are subject to change based upon the number of participants that apply.

As far as rules go, performances should simply be school-appropriate and clean. Depending on the number of participants, a time-limit may be adopted in order to allow all registrants to perform.

Select faculty and teacher aides will serve as judges and shall follow a rubric provided in order to fairly and accurately decide the winners. As advice to any likely participants, crowds do not often appreciate unprepared acts, so practice well!

 Interestingly enough Ms. Carney was a member of student government in 2000 when the event transitioned from a male beauty contest to Battle of the Bands.

Within the theater on homecoming day, impressive musical talent and gripping competition shall be displayed. No one should miss this exciting event!