Electing the Next Student Leaders

Kathryn Welch, Business Manager


Student Government campaign and election dates are nearing, bringing new opportunities for students who want to invest in, not only their class, but also their school.

The Student Government Association works to complete projects such as Homecoming, Winterfest, Thanksgiving Food Baskets, a Community Christmas Project, and the Renaissance Program. They also help in other smaller community service projects, maintain and promote school spirit and pride, and represent the student body and entire school as  student leaders.

Those wishing to participate in the campaigning and election process need to visit Mrs. Carney’s room to receive an election rules and agreement form. Students will be required to return a list of 50 student signatures for their election petition along with their agreement form.  The following table lists important due dates, campaign periods, and election dates for all offices. During each campaign period those running will be allowed to post signs around the school to appeal to their peers.

For more information please email or visit Mrs. Carney.

Election for: Campaign Rules & Petition Due: Campaign Period: Election Date:
Student Body President & Vice President Friday, April 12th April 15th-17th April 18th
Student Body Offices & Class Presidents Tuesday, April 16th April 22nd– 25th April 26th
Representatives Tuesday, April 23rd April 29th– May 2nd May 3rd