Chick-Fil-A Enables Students to Become Leaders
October 25, 2019
Coffee County Central High School is ever changing, and always looking for ways to grow and evolve their students into the best versions of themselves.
Recently, assistant principal Ms. Megan Eaves and sophomore English teacher Ms. Lacey Fults introduced the Chick-fil-A Leader Academy into the high school.
The Chick-fil-A Leader Academy is a program where local Chick-fil-A restaurants partner with high schools to support students in building their leadership capacity.
“One thing that really stood out to me is that the program isn’t called the Chick-fil-A Leadership Academy. It’s called the Chick-fil-A Leader Academy, and that shows how the program focuses on the students,” said Eaves.
This year, roughly 50 students were nominated by their teachers and were given the opportunity to apply for the program. Out of these nominated students, 30 were selected to join the program.
The nominations were confined to sophomore and junior students. This allows them to utilize their newly acquired leadership skills their senior year.
The program allows students who have already demonstrated the traits of a leader
to grow and develop these abilities to their full potential. Then, they can utilize their skills to improve the community.
At the end of the school year, the students in the program will choose, plan and implement a community service project.
This will allow them to take everything they have learned during the monthly meetings and use it to give back to the community.
For September’s meeting students acquainted themselves with each other, made care packages for overseas soldiers and engaged in activities to further their leadership capabilities.
Abigail Burch, a member of the academy, states, “I feel when the club reaches out and does even more projects, it will attract more people who have the desire to lead.”
She continues, “I have noticed my leadership skills and confidence in inspiring others have grown since the first meeting, and as more people become involved in our projects, theirs will too.”
With help from the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy, students at CCCHS can improve their leadership skills while improving both their community and school.

A student displays the contents of a care package for an active member of the military.
Rhonda Winton • Oct 29, 2019 at 7:47 am
This was a well written article, and I think adding a caption stating the names of those in the picture would make it even better. By the way, I love the background in profile picture of the photographer.