Spikeball’s pro net takes the game to a new level
The standard net (left), and the pro net (right), are easily distinguishable due to the pro net’s bigger size, inverted colors, and thicker material.
October 20, 2020
Roundnet, often referred to as Spikeball, was originally inspired by concepts by volleyball.
The idea is that four players gather around a circle net and get three hits between their partners until they cannot get the ball back onto the net. The other team does the same until one team loses the round by missing the net or hitting the ball out of turn.
The idea of Roundnet originally started in 1989, but shortly fell off in 1995. As of recent times, Roundnet began to form popularity in 2015.
Due to this popularity, Spikeball who had previously manufactured the product took over as the common name for Roundnet. Spikeball continued the journey and traveled to the Shark Tank, an American reality show where entrepreneurs meet investors for help to grow their businesses.
On May 15th, 2015, Chris Ruder, CEO of Spikeball, pitched Spikeball to the “Sharks.” Investor Daymond John threw an irresistible $500,000 investment for twenty percent equity of the company. Through this sales pitch, many have come to love the game Spikeball.
The company has grown to increase its profit by 2,700% since its beginning. This is all possible through great marketing and terrific staff.
Due to its popularity, Spikeball created two different nets. These nets are often referred to as the Standard Set and the Pro Set.
Although these nets are very similar, the Pro Set is a better deal for those interested in performing in tournaments. Spikeball holds various tournaments annually and was even scheduled to hold sixteen this year until the pandemics approached.
The two nets are anywhere from $60 for a standard net and $100 for the pro nets. For the small differences visible one may wonder, why spend $40 for a similar product? A few reasons are evident as why someone should spend the extra money.
First off, included in the standard set is the net, three spikeballs, a drawstring bag, and a rule book. For sixty dollars this is still a great deal, but as an owner of a pro set and a standard kit, the pro has more to offer.
The pro kit has the net, two pro set balls, a portable ball pump, a backpack, and one free tournament entry pass. Along with this, the pro kit has a 33% sturdier build and it is apparent when you see the nets bulkiness.
A few people who have the standard kit have broken parts including the net or rim over time. My friend and I have both had to repair our standard kit while the pro stays sturdy time and time again.
Also, the tournament entry pass is a $50 value which already pays for the extra price of the better kit.
Due to the overall benefits, those who want to invest in a spikeball net should spend the extra money for the value of the pro.