Students are gathering at the flag pole for a time of prayer
See You at the Pole allows students a time to gather together in prayer.
September 20, 2021
See You at the Pole is an annual event at CCCHS and many high schools across the country. Students are encouraged to gather around the flag pole at their respective schools and pray for their teachers, fellow students, community, state, and country.
Although the event is not strictly tied to the club, CCCHS’s student ministry club, Refuge 305, will be organizing much of the event.
Becki Louden, the advisor for the school’s culinary department, will be providing coffee for the event that will be free to any student who attends.
There will also be a drawing after the prayer has ended. Students will have a chance to win one of two T-shirts.
The event will open at 7:15 a.m. by the flag pole in front of the school, and prayer will begin at 7:30.