Tips to Give You 20/20 Vision


Ann Petty and Yanely Luna

Dear Upcoming Juniors,

The Juniors in journalism collected useful information, tips, and advice regarding your Junior year.

  1. Limit yourself to two AP classes.
  2. Don’t procrastinate.
  3. Anything is better than a zero.
  4. Be prepared for AP classes.
  5. It is a whole lot harder than sophomore year.
  6. Plan your time.
  7. Good luckk AP English; Mrs. Melson is not going to be here.
  8. Good luck in English in general! (PLAN YOUR TIME!!!!!)
  9. AP classes require AP level work.
  10. Take at least one easy class.
  11. Look at colleges and start thinking about what classes they accept, and what you need to make on an AP test to get the credit for that school.
  12. Don’t forget semester classes.
  13. Do what’s best for you. Don’t pick classes because your friends are in them.
  14. Get graduation requirements out of the way; then go for your college requirements. It will help you in the long run.
  15. Don’t be afraid to push yourself, but don’t be surprised when you fall.
  16. Don’t walk slow in the hallways.
  17. Some AP classes don’t prepare you for college, pick your poison wisely.
  18. If you want to be in US government, Personal Finance, or Economics, you can’t sign up for it; you have to replace it during the beginning of the upcoming school year.
  19. Dual Credit, AP, and Dual Enrollment are three different classes: Dual Enrollment is for a specific public college — and you have to pay for it. Dual Credit is for any Tennessee public college — and you don’t have to pay. AP is for college — and you have pay for a test and pass the test for college credit.



According to current students’ opinions these AP classes are ranked in order of most difficult to least difficult.

AP Lang


Honors/Dual Enrollment Pre-Cal

AP Bio

AP Stats

AP Psych

AP Physics