Survival Tips for Sophomore Year

Kathryn Welch, Reporter/Photographer

The incoming sophomore class will be entering the CCCHS building in the fall. As a current sophomore, I have obtained and gathered my own set of tips for advice over the course of this year. These are a few survival tips for making it through sophomore year.

Tip #1: Ask for help if you can’t find your way around the school.

Moving school buildings two years in a row can leave students struggling to find their way around the halls and campus. A majority of the classrooms at CCCHS are conjoined. Learning which rooms lead to another can take some getting use to. Getting lost or confused where you are going happens to most students in the beginning weeks of school. Asking for directions is nothing to be  shy or embarrassed about. When in doubt asking for directions is always a good option.

Tip #2: Do not take for granted the time you have in high school.

Finishing sophomore year means you are halfway through high school; however, that doesn’t mean to give up or simply stop caring. Make your year an enjoyable one by making the most of every moment you have. Take time to reflect on what is right in front of you before you move on.

Tip #3: Do not procrastinate .

Procrastination seems to be what many high schoolers are best at. This, however, is not the best thing for your grades or your stress level. You may think that you can slack off a little and put off your responsibilities for a while at points throughout the year, but this is not a good idea. Take your project and report due dates seriously. If you put off your work till the last minute your work is rushed and not the best quality. Getting packed down with work and projects doesn’t have to be something you rush to do all at once. Space out your efforts, but remember to manage your time well and with accuracy when accomplishing tasks in the correct time frame.

Tip #4: Put forth your best effort.

It’s easy to fall short of your best efforts as the school year rolls by. Making your way through sophomore year takes effort and commitment. Throughout the school year it’s easy to forget these commitments when the looming sight of the weekend or a vacation comes into view. You get what you give. The effort you put into your school work shows, and it can impact your grades as a whole.

Tip #5: Be willing to step outside your comfort zone.

A move in school buildings can provide ample opportunities to join new clubs and make new friends. The door to opportunities is open, but you have to make the decision to join and experience new adventures. At CCCHS there is something for everyone; it could be anything ranging from the school newspaper, the basketball team, or the yearbook staff. Find what you love and make friends through your interests and passions. These memories and experiences are ones that you will carry with you throughout high school.