Teacher Feature: Mrs. Lacey Brown


Mrs. Brown, an English teacher, was nominated for the Coffee Press’ first Teacher Feature.

Connor Fox, School Clubs Editor

For the Coffee Press’s inaugural teacher feature for the year, the staff has selected Mrs. Lacey Brown. 

Mrs. Brown is admired by students for her cheerful demeanor and uplifting attitude. The entries written for Mrs. Brown are a testament to her kind, supportive, and compassionate attitude.

[Mrs. Brown] is an amazing teacher. She respects all of her students and helps them with anything she possibly can. She always explains things the best she can, tells us exactly what she wants done. She is just a wonderful teacher overall. She is sweet, kind and she does not play when it comes to work but she is not rude at the same time.

She is passionate about teaching. She takes time to help you if you need it. She replies fast to your emails. Overall she is just a great person.

She is always in a great mood and always is supportive of her students. She looks for the good in every student and believes in us. She is happy in 1st period and it’s always a great start to my day!!!

[Mrs. Brown] has taught me more than any other teacher. I’ve been to two other schools, and she is by far the best teacher I’ve ever had. She genuinely cares about her students, and always makes sure they’re okay and know what they’re doing. She gives you plenty of time to turn in your work, and always reminds you of what’s missing. Ms. Fults made me love English and also helped me find what career path I want to take. I believe she is the most worthy of being featured in the school paper

Mrs. Brown has always known that she wanted to teach and play a part in shaping young people’s lives; during our interview, she recalled her asking her parents for whiteboards and expo markers for Christmas in the third grade. 

She stays motivated in her work by reminding herself that if she does not work hard for her students, her students will not work hard for her. If she sets high expectations for her students, she must set high expectations for herself, or else there will not be an effective learning environment in her classroom.

She becomes close with her students by finding common ground between her and them and using that common ground to form a strong, lasting bond. 

By finding shared interests, Mrs. Brown can create a trusting relationship among her students, and with this relationship, the students will not just see her as their teacher, but an advisor and confidante. This relationship creates an environment in the classroom where students can both effectively learn and enjoy their time learning.

When asked in our interview about the future of education, Mrs. Brown mentioned that if someone had asked her about education before the pandemic, she would have given a perfect “textbook” response, but these events have shown her that no one knows what education will look like in the future and things are bound to be constantly changing throughout the next couple of years.

Mrs. Brown is an exemplary member of the Coffee County High School teaching staff. She constantly goes out of her way to make her students feel loved and cared for, and her cheerful and optimistic personality makes her a delightful and astounding educator.