“Valentine’s Day is a hoax,” tweets teen while eating chocolate alone in her room

Valentine’s Day can be tough for those without a significant other, but this student is here to tell you that it’s okay to be single!

Lindsey Landrum, Humor Editor

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and the couples of America are, once again, remembering that they have significant others. However, this love-centered holiday is not beloved by all.

Kara Richardson, a local senior student is looking at Valentine’s Day a different way. Richardson has begun to point out the fact that Valentine’s Day may in fact be all about the money.

“All I see is a way for companies to make money. They say, ‘Hey look, people! It’s Valentine’s day! Now go ahead and buy some of the product that we’ve printed in red and pink so it’s festive.’”

Richardson has started a new blog called “The Gift of Singleness” where she, between repeated viewings of “The Notebook” and “The Kissing Booth,” gives other singles advice about handling singleness around the dreaded season of love.

“Don’t be afraid to go out on Valentine’s Day,” wrote Richardson as she wiped the melted chocolate from her fingers. “Valentine’s Day is just like any other day. In fact, It’s YOUR day to show your mother that your love life isn’t pathetic.”

Many of her peers have taken an interest in her blog, and she received at least twenty views on her latest post titled, “You Can’t Be Happy Until Your Ex Isn’t.”

Maria Evans, a sophomore, commented, “Kara’s blog is unironically good. It’s even inspired me to take charge of my love life again. Is anything going to happen because of that inspiration? Probably not. But I am inspired none the less.”

Richardson recently gained a monumental thirty-seven followers on Twitter. This, although not at all impressive, has given Richardson the confidence to tell people that she has no control over what they should think.

Last week, Richardson tweeted, “Don’t let any prospective significant other tell you what’s wrong or right. If you twist the context around any event that you mention in some obscure way, you’re bound to end up right about something.”

Richardson, along with her three friends, is planning on taking Galentine’s Day pictures the day before Feb. 14. This, according to Richardson, will allow them to make their peers think they are having fun when they are really just watching TikTok compilations while eating hot Cheetos in their respective bedrooms.

We encourage all singles to get out there and have fun this Valentine’s Day. However, if you’re unable to go out, you can remedy this by tweeting about how Valentine’s Day is overrated. Instead of noticing your singleness, your friends will most likely just block you on social media.