Be a leader, not a follower

Aubrie Holder, Sports Editor

Eventually, someone gets bullied, some more than others. Just because you don’t like someone or something about them doesn’t mean you have to make their life miserable. 

As the saying goes, “don’t judge a book by its cover.”  Bullying is never okay, but especially if you don’t know the person.

According to the state report on bullying, a specific category was identified as being a part of bullying. The largest group, 1,329 cases, involved sex or gender-based discrimination. There were 665 cases that involved electronic technology, 326 cases involved race, and 188 cases involved disability. 

During school students get bullied in the hallway and classrooms. Most often during lunch, on the bus, and at car riders. Students are often too scared to go to the counselor or tell their parents so they just keep it to themselves and hope for the better. 

However, cyberbullying is just as large of a problem. On social media, teenagers think they can say whatever they want but won’t say it to anyone’s face.

When you hurt someone’s feelings, it’s a lot easier to do it on the phone than to be rude in person. But, over the phone people can be more hurtful and it’s worse when you’re alone with no one to comfort or stand up for you.

If you are getting bullied or anything close to that don’t be afraid and come to your closest teacher, staff, friend, family, anyone and anything that helps. If you ever feel down just know you are loved and God wants you here as long as with everyone else in your life.