Netflix creators of “Bridgerton” pay attention to reviews and take season two to new heights

Netflix, IMDB

Both seasons of “Bridgerton,” contrasting as they may be, are available on Netflix.

Cass Douglas, Historical Highlights Editor and Copy Editor

The Netflix original show “Bridgerton,” based on the novels by Julia Quinn, is a hot take on historical fiction. Bridgerton follows the romantic mishaps of the eight Bridgerton children: Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth. Their mother, Viscountess Bridgerton, works strenuously to ensure perfect husbands and wives for her kids, but they aim to undermine her at every turn. 

The show undergoes a jarring improvement from the development of romance from season one to two.

Director Chris Van Dusen does an exemplary job of carefully constructing a bewitching narrative of yearning love. It is no surprise audiences devour the classic enemies to lovers trope, and “Bridgerton” is a poster child for passion-filled, hatred-driven romances. 

Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset would rather do anything other than spend their days in the other’s company, but they are forced to upkeep their pseudo-courtship. Later, the pair engage in a kiss, which was socially unacceptable behavior for the time period. 

The risk of this information getting out will ruin Daphne, making her unmarriageable. So, they must marry against Simon’s wishes. Van Dusen creates the beautiful imagery of an angry, amorous relationship. 

However, their rocky start gives way to sporadic and substandard sex scenes. 

On the other hand, season two boasts a superior storyline with the eldest Bridgerton, Anthony, and Kate as the new focus. The build-up of tension has improved from season one by leaps and bounds. 

Anthony meets Kate on a morning horse ride through the woods, and the two are infatuated with one another. Unfortunately, the magic wears off at the first ball of the season, in which Kate overhears Anthony’s expectation of marriage: “Love is the last thing I desire. But if my children are to be of good stock, then their mother must be of impeccable quality. A pleasing face, an acceptable wit, genteel manners enough to credit a Viscountess.”

Kate is disgusted, and so begins the enemies to lovers tension. Anthony and Kate undergo struggles in which a burning desire lurks underneath. 

Overall, “Bridgerton” starts off with subpar romantic development. However, the creators of the show learn from their mistakes, improving the show immensely.