Inexpensive dates and gifts to keep Valentines day going all year long


Whether simple or elaborate, these dates and gifts will make every day feel like Valentine’s Day!

Maci Jacobs, Feature Editor

Take a minute to plan a surprise date day with your significant other. 

All anyone has to do for this simple-but-effective date idea is sit down, make a list of things that their partner likes, and plan an entire day using those likes as the blueprints. If they like reading at the park, make a picnic and be sure to grab all their favorite reads. 

Do they like to bake? Try baking heart-shaped cookies together. Take a trip to the local Walmart or Dollar General together and pick out a flavor of cookies, or even better, look up a recipe and try out the homemade way. 

Everyone bonds more with flour all over themselves. Make sure to get that heart-shaped cookie cutter, or put those childhood pumpkin-carving skills to use to shape your sweet treats into hearts. 

This one is more for the girls, but if an impression is needed for a crush, try giving her a full-blown spa day. Rose petal baths, foot massages, and candle-lit rooms have the ability to make most girls swoon. 

Try asking if they want to do a face mask together, and see how it catches them by surprise. Go grab some cucumbers, body scrub, and clean towels for this peaceful party between the pair or group of individuals. 

Cooking one’s significant other dinner is a date to never forget. Throw a sheet over the table, light some candles, and get out the fancy plates for a night worth remembering. Try cooking their favorite food. Who knows? It might impress both parties. 

Build a fort with the most comfortable pillows and blankets. Watching Netflix with your significant other is impeccable when under a fort made up of sheets and blankets with a little lamp in the corner and pillows all around. Grab all the sweet treats and don’t forget the popcorn for this perfect plan.

Sit down with the boyfriend or girlfriend and make a wonderful time capsule. Looking forward to opening it in one year is a great anticipation. It’s always exciting to look back at who we used to be, and putting a bunch of shared favorite things in a bottle or box and burying it to look at later on in the relationship is a great way to do so. 

Make a playlist for them. You can download it onto a USB, or put it all onto a CD disc which can both be purchased at Office Max, or you can simply send them the link. It’s a sentimental gift that would leave lasting memories for a lifetime.

Drive up to the most beautiful place in Manchester, Tenn. you can think of and watch the sunset or the sunrise. If the two of you take a car to school together, go a little early and park somewhere. Try and solve life’s greatest philosophies while looking into their eyes that are lit by the pink-orange the sun radiates at that time of day. 

Look on Pinterest for homemade valentines crafts. You won’t regret putting your heart and hands into a present for the one you cherish so dearly. Try painting a mason jar in their favorite colors, or make a handmade card. Handwritten letters are always something held close to the heart by many. Receiving a letter in today’s world is foreign, but it’s still greatly appreciated.