Small Animal Care Prepares Students For Career


Katie Sudberry, business manager

As an agricultural educator, Kim Miller wears quite a few hats at Coffee County Central High school. One of these includes teaching the new small animal care class. The class has been reintroduced into the 2017-2018 school year.

When Miller was asked about the importance of the class, she responded, “Most people have some kind of pets in their lives; this class provides basic skills of how to care for those animals. For some students going into further courses, or animal related industries involving small and large animals, the skills are provided.” Miller believes it is important to teach young people how to become more responsible with animals.

Miller explained the class is not for everyone, “Students need to have a desire to work with animals; although, the class can be a challenge for students with allergies or asthma.” If students plan on a career in the animal industry, this class would be highly suggested.

The class is set to be a big success at CHS. A small animal lab is now under construction to be used with the vet science classes. There are plans to have a small lab and grooming facility so students can get basic job skills for entry level positions. This class will be nothing less than a success within the next few years.